Derek Hegsted Fine Art Logo

Journey's EndA Gift From GodA Gift From GodAngel of GethsemaneChrist HealerBlack bear and WaterfallOrion's Nebula

News and Updates

The new painting, "Gethsemane Grove," was recently juried in the International LDS Art Competition featuring top artists from countries around the world, such as Greg Olsen, Del Parsons and J. Kirk Richards.

Coming Soon:
New book...
"On My Way to Galilee"
A long awaited sixteen year collection of paintings and poems testifying of the divinity of the Master. Over 30 pages of color pictures and writings depicting gospel subjects. Also, a collection of paintings on a man's journey through the holy land, some never before released to the public. Order early to be first to get a copy of this book!

In celebration of an infant's life a new painting has been developed with Christ holding a new born. Contact Us.

Derek Hegsted's new Masterpieces: Angel of Gethsemane and A Gift From God.

Bookmarks are available for Angel of Gethsemane, Return Unto Me, Journey's End, I Will Not Fail Thee, Light of the World and Christ Healer. Found in the Christian gallery.

Introducing Derek's new painting, "Gethsemane Grove"

On My Way To Galilee by Derek Hegsted, low resolution, fine detail removed.
Gethsemane Grove
by Derek Hegsted

In the twilight of the stars
and the feeling of the mist.
As the rising of the sun
like a early morning kiss.

The sweetness stills
the softest breeze.
A caress to ease
the crying trees.

For they know their master
will soon be gone.
Away from their shade,
but not for long.

A poets voice
heard loud and clear.
A witness to you
that Christ was here.

Our families beside him,
Christ we’ll meet.
Announcing to us that
our (His) mission’s complete.

He soon will return
not unlike the sun.
full of grace and truth
proclaiming “it is done.”

Celebrate mothers spring with a personal sized 8x10 Giclee canvas print of:

Mary's Love
by Derek Hegsted

In quiet stable,
Peace abound.
Meekness rules
In common ground.

Christ the newborn
Baby King.
All the Angels
Join to sing:

Glory to God!
Praises to Him!
Glory to the Son,
Who leads us
from sin.

Please note: Unless otherwise specified, all (open) edition canvases come unstretched for safe shipping.